Contraindications related to hirudotherapy include arterial insufficiency, hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis, hematological malignancies, expressed and firm anemia, expressed and firm hypotension, sepsis, HIV-infection, decompensated forms of hepatobiliary diseases, any form of cachexia, and individual intolerance to leeches. Leech therapy is also not recommended in pregnancy and lactation, in patients with an unstable medical status, history of allergy to leeches or severe allergic diathesis, disposition to keloid scar formation, arterial insufficiency, and in those using anticoagulants, immunosuppressants, and some vasoactive drugs such as Ginkgo biloba products [16]
A patient who refuses to sign the consent form, refuses prophylactic treatment with antibiotics, or refuses blood transfusion should not be treated with leeches.